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Title : Dotage

New York city is the largest city in the world, New York is the most populous city in the United States, and the center of the New York metropolitan area, which is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. A leading global city, New York exerts a powerful influence over global commerce, finance, media, culture, art, fashion, research, education, and entertainment. As host of the United Nations Headquarters, it is also an important center for international affairs. The city is often referred to as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the state of New York, the city have many people walk around every day especially on the weekend and they enjoys an average of 234 days with at least some sunshine. One day, in summers the sky is bright, have a old man lose, he walk around the highest building, he don’t know we he want to go, suddenly the policeman come to close with the old man, the policeman want to know where that old man come from and where he want to go, and the glasses old man said, he come from his son home’s . After he walk far from their son’s home, he forgot which one way should he take, that why he walk around at the same place, the policeman take the note what name the old man is this, and the old man said he name is Barrack Bush.

After that, the policeman see at the Bush leg’s have the blood, the old man walk lameness, he said the wound come from when he fall in the road at early morning when he want to go to public toilet, before the policeman find the old man son, he call the ambulance first to treat the old man, in few minutes, they hear the siren of the ambulance and blinking light also come from the ambulance arrival , nurse supported from left the old man to enter the ambulance, the other nurse wait in the ambulance to hold the old man hand to easy to up stair step by step to enter the ambulance, the old man use their cane with their right hand.

The ambulance take just 15 minutes to arrival to the hospital, doctor and nurse treat the old man immediately in the emergency room, the nurse help doctor to clean wound surface use the alcohol put iodine and wrapping with the white cotton, and than, the old man need to rest in the hospital before he can meet with their son. At the evening, nurse go at the old man bed, she saucer eyed cause surprise the old man is gone, she try to find in the toilet but the old man don have in the toilet, both of them try looking outside but there not find the old man. After 1 hours the old man gone, his son come to hospital to meet he, but his son is to late, his father already live from the hospital, their son said his father is dotage, that why the old man don’t remember how to back home.

The old man walk to the market, he push the walk bottom because he want to across the road,
He wait until all the vehicle stop, and he start walk , suddenly have a lost control car not care the red light , the car driver is drunk, and than the car hit the old man, all the person come to close to see who are involve in the accident, at the time also the old man son come to see who, but he so sad when know his father involve in that accident, the old man died in the accident.
1 Response
  1. nirzaanputra Says:

    sekarang berada di mana

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